Why should men be on Testosterone Replacement Therapy
One of the most common hormone associated with sexual health is Testosterone. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It plays a vital role in the development of male reproductive tissues like testes and prostate. This hormone also promotes secondary sexual characteristics in males such as the growth of body hair, increased muscle, increased bone mass, maintenance of the proper levels of the red blood cells, maintenance of sex drive, sperm production and so on.
The importance of this hormone is such that when it is low the following symptoms may arise:
    • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
• Low sex drive (Low Libido)
• Decreased muscle mass
• Fatigue and low energy level
• Weight gain
• Depression
• Walking difficulty
• Mood swings
Men begin to produce less Testosterone as they age and symptoms may begin to be noticeable at the age of 30. Thus, Testosterone levels in the body reduce as age progresses. Low Testosterone can also be a result of obesity, Cirrhosis of the liver, chronic kidney failure, stress, chronic illness, alcoholism, infection of the testicles, injury to the testicles, loss of the testicles, Hemochromatosis, chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer, inflammatory diseases like sarcoidosis, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, genetic abnormalities such as Klinefelter Syndrome and so on.
Symptoms of low testosterone are not always obvious and at times are not noticeable. It is advisable for men over the age of 30, to begin medical check-ups to ensure Testosterone levels are maintained at adequate levels.
Men suffering from low Testosterone can seek effective treatments. Testosterone Replacement Therapy comes in different forms that include injections, subdermal pellets, and transdermal patches or gels. Each of these forms come with benefits and risks. And as initially stated, while Testosterone Replacement Therapy can help improve the symptoms of low Testosterone, it has the potential of some side effects.
Most common side effects include, increased red blood cell count, irritability, and acne. Many men on Testosterone Replacement Therapy have reported improved sex drive, higher energy levels, increased muscle mass and a better mood.
The medical community agrees that testosterone begins to decline gradually in most men by the time they reach the age of 30, but some medical professionals argue that a low t level does not need to be treated and that testosterone replacement therapy can have side effects. Before starting testosterone replacement therapy, speak with a medical provider and find out if testosterone therapy is right for you.
On a final note, even though testosterone replacement therapy will improve the signs and symptoms of low t, it will not counter the effects of bad diets, lack of exercise or sedentary lifestyle, alcohol drinking, smoking and so on. Also, the downside of testosterone replacement therapy are relatively small considering its potential benefits.