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Does Erectile Dysfunction Last Forever?

Does Erectile Dysfunction Last Forever

About 55% of men who are in their 40s suffer from total male sexual impotence. This number goes up to by around 15% of men who are in their 70s. ED that is mild and moderate, affects 10% of men, in every 10 years of their life. Meaning, ED would affect 50% of men who are in the 50s, 60% of men who are in their sixties and so on. Today, there are about 150 million men all over the world who suffer from ED & this figure is expected to escalate to as much as 300 million by the year 2025.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

If you are not able to get an erection or maintain an erection for at least a little over a minute or so, to be able to have sex or if you ejaculate in a time that is less than a minute while intercourse and this happens almost every time, then you are said to suffer from ED.

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Here are a few symptoms to know that you’re suffering from ED.
Your desire to have sex becomes less
You can’t get an erection easily
Even if you get it, it does not last longer than a minute

Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

The cause of erectile dysfunction differs from man to man. However, we have found a few of them

1. Heart disease

2. Clogged blood vessels

3. High cholesterol

4. High blood pressure

5. Diabetes

6. Obesity

7. Metabolic syndrome

8. Multiple sclerosis

9. Certain prescription medications

10. Tobacco usage

11. Peyronie’s disease

12. Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse

13. Sleep disorders

14. Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate

15. Surgeries

Psychological Causes

Your brain plays an important role in triggering the series of physical events that cause an erection, starting with feelings of sexual excitement. Several things can interfere with sexual feelings and worsen erectile dysfunction.
These include:

1. Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions

2. Stress

3. Relationship problems due to stress, less communication

4. Anxiety and/or Depression

5. Low Self Esteem

Can Erectile Dysfunction Be Treated?

Before getting to the point whether ED can be treated, first, let’s understand what the two different types of EDs, which are:

1. Primary ED

2. Secondary ED

If a man has never been able to get or sustain an erection then, he is suffering from Primary ED. This is a rare issue and requires extensive medical treatment & care.

Whereas a man who used to get a proper erection but is not able to do so any longer is said to be suffering from Secondary ED. It is generally temporary, the most common, and can be easily cured than primary ED.

So, it is safe to say that secondary ED can be reversed with medications & psychological treatment.

Traditional treatments are helpful for some men suffering from secondary ED. But, some men require unconventional treatment methods such as using a penis pump that draws blood into the penis, inducing an erection.

To Sum It Up

Erectile dysfunction can be very frustrating for men, and not being able to treat it may be even more infuriating. But, there are so many treatments available at medical centers that can help men with ED issues.

If you’re suffering from ED, then you can always visit Iuventus Medical Center, Las Vegas. We have so many different treatments that will help you with ED.

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